Amatara Residences Rayong part of Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited is fully aware of the importance of personal data protection and therefore provides this Personal Data Protection Notice to explain how the Amatara Residences Rayong has practiced with collection, use and disclosure of personal data as well as rights of all data subjects.

1. Definitions
“Company” “Amatara Residences Rayong” shall mean Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited and all subsidiaries/affiliates/joint ventures acting as seller/service provider or operator of Website.

“Subsidiaries/Affiliates/Joint Ventures” shall mean any companies in which Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited holds shares or takes part in management either directly or indirectly, no matter amounts of the shares held and also include juristic entities of condominium and/or village.

“Personal Data” shall mean data of persons which shall be identifiable either directly or indirectly to such persons according to the law on personal data protection.

“Website” shall also include Application, Facebook or other Platforms of each of company in the Amatara Residences Rayong part of Companies, as the case may be.

2. Objectives in Collection, Use and Disclosure, and Operation
2.1 Collection, use and disclosure of personal data, directly or indirectly, shall be performed with objectives, scopes and procedures in accordance with the law on personal data protection, shall be limited insofar as deemed necessary in sale or providing services (for purpose of clarity, sale or services shall include offer to sell shares, debentures, financial instruments, digital assets pursuant to relevant governing laws (but shall not affect appropriation/distribution thereof); the Amatara Residences Rayong of Companies shall request consent from data subjects by electronic means or other means as arranged by the Amatara Residences Rayong.

2.2 Amatara Residences Rayong shall not collect personal data in relation to race, ethnicity, political opinions, beliefs, religions, philosophy, sex orientation, criminal record, health data, disability, biodata or any other data that may affect data subjects in similar manners except explicit consent has been obtained.

2.3 Collection, use and disclosure of data subjects under legal incompetence or under legal age, as the case may be, shall be in accordance with the law on personal data protection and other relevant laws.

2.4 Amatara Residences Rayong may collect, use and disclose personal data with objectives to provide data and information with respect to products and services of Amatara Residences Rayong (for purpose of clarity, sale or services shall include offer to sell shares, debentures, financial instruments, digital assets pursuant to relevant governing laws but shall not affect appropriation/distribution thereof); as well as other related information such as payment channels, providing services by digital means, market analyses, promotional marketing campaigns and for creating/establishing data bases for use in offering or promoting privileges in accordance with your interests which are not unlawful.

2.5 Amatara Residences Rayong may use your personal data in accordance with the objectives specified herein and maintain such data as necessarily required by related laws so long as you are customers or have relationship with the Amatara Residences Rayong, or so long as the objectives herein are accomplished but not exceeding 10 (Ten) years. Amatara Residences Rayong shall ensure all personnel strictly not collect, use or disclose such personal data otherwise than the objectives as specified herein and in accordance with the law on personal data protection.

2.6 Amatara Residences Rayong has imposed security measures to maintain confidentiality of personal data for prevention of loss, access, destruction, use, change or disclosure thereof without legal rights or proper permission.

2.7 Amatara Residences Rayong has arranged and adopted appropriate storage technological system and restricted access to your personal data pursuant to our criteria and procedures. However, Amatara Residences Rayong cannot guarantee in all events that there shall be no defects or errors as might arise from operation of the Notice; therefore, Amatara Residences Rayong shall not assume any liability and responsibility for loss and damage so occurred. Amatara Residences Rayong may retain outsourced contractor(s) to operate storage and processing of personal data but the Amatara Residences Rayong shall ensure those outsourced contractor(s) maintain security measures and proceed with no collection, use and disclosure of personal data other than the strict criteria and procedures imposed by Amatara Residences Rayong.

3. Rights of Data Subjects
3.1 Inspection of or access to your personal data in accordance with the law of personal data protection;

3.2 Request for change or amendment of your personal data in case of incompleteness or inaccuracy or update thereof;

3.3 Cancellation, erasure or destruction of your personal data except for those the Amatara Residences Rayong is required by law to comply in accordance with the law on personal data protection;

3.4 Revocation of consent given previously for purposes of processing of personal data provided such revocation thereof shall not impact collection, use or disclosure of which proper consent have been obtained.

Any data subjects may exercise such rights by submitting a request in writing to Amatara Residences Rayong, or by electronic means as per forms prescribed by Amatara Residences Rayong via “Contact with the Company” channel hereinbelow. Amatara Residences Rayong shall upon receipt consider and give a response within 30 (Thirty) days provided Amatara Residences Rayong may refuse such rights as prescribed by law.

However, such revocation may impact your use of products and/or services such that you may not receive privileges, promotion, any new offers, or better products and/or services that suit your needs or even being unable to receive updated data or information that may be of your interests. As a result, you are advised to study and inquire into the impact of such revocation.

4. Link with Websites of Third Parties
4.1 Websites of Amatara Residences Rayong may be linked with those of third parties (“Third Parties”) that are not under control of Amatara Residences Rayong. You are advised to review policy and/or notice as regards personal data protection (or other names of similar nature). Such linkages have been proceeded for your convenience in searching for additional data or information from websites of such Third Parties. As a result, the Company shall not assume any liability or responsibility as regards such personal data protection or contents of those websites, either in whole or in part and shall include Log, meaning sources, trajectory, date, time, volume or other relevant matters. In addition, policy and/or notice as regards personal data protection (or other names of similar nature) shall be in accordance with those as prescribed by such Third Parties whereupon Amatara Residences Rayong shall have no connection of whatever nature.

4.2 Cookies: Amatara Residences Rayong has applied Cookies approach in order to adjust contents and advertisements following your access to and analysis of Amatara Residences Rayong Website. You may wish to adjust settings to prevent Cookies; however, such may affect your applicability of or access to significant characters of Amatara Residences Rayong Website.

5. Review, Change or Amendment of the Notice
The Amatara Residences Rayong may review, change or amend this Notice at any time, and upon such review, change or amendment, shall post new versions in the Website accordingly. When you access or browse the Website after review, change or amendment, you shall be deemed to have agreed with and accepted the terms and conditions of the Notice.

6. Contact with the Company
Internal Audit Department

Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited

Exchange Tower ,Unit 3203-4, 32 Fl.
388 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok. 10110